Thursday, March 16, 2006

One More

Facebook. I hate facebook. I hate facebook people and their facebook friends and their facebook parties. I hate that it provides insecure people like myself with such a vivid day to day measure of who's winning at life. I hate the fact that facebook makes me say things to myself like, "sure I have 372 less friends than she does, but the friends I do have are 372 times better." Then I cry because I realize how pathetic I am for even thinking these things and because I'm lying in my own head. And I start to think about how, if I were prettier and had as many friends as that kid on facebook with all the drunken pictures of him punching himself in the face, I would have somebody to lie out loud to.

And the "wall". That sucks too. It sucks because I get super excited every time I check my e-mail and see, "Somebody cooler than you has written on your wall!" WOOOOOOOOO! I say, and do an internal dance. Then, I check facebook to find a chipper little message from somebody who loves me deeply enough to grace my electronic presence with his or her face and let the world know that he or she wants to say hi. To me! WOOOOOOO! Then, I get sad again because I remember that the last time this happened to me was three months ago, and worthwhile human beings get at least seven posts a day.

Are you happy facebook? You've ruined me.

Also, I hate world lit. Shove it, Gilgamesh.